Thursday, August 12, 2010


Indeed, if the government had devoted more and enough time and money , including honest manpower to this illegal immigration issue before now, the result would have shown a decrease in number of illegal immigrants into the United States. For a truth, Arizona’s new immigration law passed recently was a wake up call for the government. Congress and the White House now felt a greater urgency to act on border security after Arizona passed a law directing it’s law enforcement officers to be more aggressive in seeking out illegal immigrants. I commend the government for realizing the need for urgent action.

I also think that in the course of approving this $600 million for more agents and surveillance drones on Mexican border, the government should also make sure that this new 1500 agents are not corrupt officials or agents. This is because, from the way I see it, before now, the government has been beefing up the security at the various border and yet, there appear to be increase in the number of illegal immigrants into the country on daily basis. Which means that something is not right some where, it appears that the agents at the border patrol might be corrupt. So, as the government is gearing up to tighten up Mexican border, it should also tighten up corrupt agents border, in order to achieve the goal of decreasing the number of illegal immigrants in the country.

Alexendra Jackson (classmate blog 7) US GOVERNMENT in this editorial said “Racism is now becoming more and more of an issue between the government and the public”, yes I agree with him, but also between the government and the states, as in the case of Arizona v. U.S Justice Department. On the issue of racism, I do not blame the Census Bureau of Manhattan in screening out applicants with previous arrest records or minor offenses. This is because we all know or have heard about the type of violence going on in the streets of Mexico, and it is this same people who migrate mostly illegally into U.S. They did not leave their violent nature behind in Mexico, I believe they came in with it. And in no time violence and crime rate will increase due to these illegal immigrants, especially in the Southern States.

1 comment:

  1. In Carl’s Bright Corner, in his blog about immigration he applauds the US government for the recent passage of a $600 million immigration package that includes money for drones, security and more agents at the border. He states that these agents need to not be corrupt and I would wonder what criteria could be used to find non corrupt agents? There is corruptness in all levels of government and in all levels of private corporations, just read the news for long enough and someone will be acting reprehensibly or in a way that is morally questionable for the position they hold. If honesty and truthfulness is what is needed at the border to ease tensions then things will remain tense.

    I also take offense at the statement that those with a violent nature are those that immigrate to the United States from Mexico. There are approximately 5.3 million undocumented or improperly documented Mexican immigrants living in the United States, of the 5.3 million, 4.9 million are a part of the US labor force with 50-75 % paying federal taxes as well as sales taxes. Just because something makes the news does not mean it can be generalized to an entire population of people. There is drug violence on the border, if the United States did not consume the majority of the world's drugs, there would probably be no violence, due to the lack of demand. William Dathan Holbert allegedly killed a lot of people and Robert Lee Yates Jr., am I to assume that all white guys potential serial killers? No, that would be ridiculous, as is your assertion that most Mexican immigrants have violent tendencies.
